⚑Blend & Level Up your NFTs

That's right. You can blend your NFTs in order to get a higher level NFT of the same class. The blending system will be fully disclosed after open access launch.

How Blending Works Example: You blend three β€œCommon LVL 1 NFTs” to get one β€œCommon LVL 2 NFT”

Apart from blending, you will be able to level up your NFTs using ISRM. Below is the table showing the price of leveling up your NFTs. (These prices will change as the game develops.)

What happens with the NFTs that are blended?

  • New NFT with higher LVL goes to your wallet

  • Old blended NFTs are burned

Leveling and Blending Conditions:

  • There will be a limit on the daily # of lvl ups

  • There will be a limit on the daily # of daily blends

  • Gamers will have more options based on their activity in the game & community, i.e. experience points.

Last updated